Nordisk Filmmusikpris nærmer sig med hastige skridt. Den 30. april får vi at vide, hvem af de fem nominerede, der efterfølgende kan smykke sig med titlen, vinder af Nordisk Filmmusikpris 2011.
Peter Peter and Peter Kyed’s suggestive music for Nicolas Winding Refn’s mythological Viking drama encompasses an impressively wide range of musical styles, from the almost symphonic to electronic soundscapes and rough electric guitars. Sound design and music are closely tied to the images, and to a unique extent it is the music that knits this movie into a total art work of colours, images, sounds and music. In particular, the long uninterrupted movement of music for the duration of the film’s third chapter, a claustrophobic voyage by Viking ship through dense fog, is quite unique. Highly consistent, carefully prepared and uncompromising film music.
The Danish jury consists of: Pernille Fischer Christensen, Film Director – Anne Østerud, Film Editor – Peter Schultz, Sound Designer – Tore Leifer, journalist, Master degree in Musicology, Film and Media Studies – Halfdan E, Film Composer
The jury comrising of Sigur Ros co-leader Kjartan Sveinsson, award winning film composer Hilmar Orn Himarsson and RUV State Broadcasting Corp.´s film music specialist Sigridur Petursdottir, were unanimous in their vote for SLOWBLOW´s soundtrack for Arni Asgeirsson´s film BRIM representing Iceland this year.
Their comments included: “A beautifully sombre and thoughtful score”, ” Uniquely infectous and relating directly to one´s subconcience” “Perfectly rhyming with the idea of Nordic Identity , bathing , at times in melancoly but always perfectly suiting the film´s needs”. “Exactly how a 21st Centry soundtrack should sound!”
The norweigan jury, consisting of Geir Bøhren, (Film Composer), Einar Aarvig, (Film Critic) and Olav Anton Thommessen, (Composer, Professor of composition) has chosen Gaute Storås for his score to Lise I. Osvolls ’Elias og jakten på havets gull’.
In “Elias and the Treasure of the sea”, Gaute Storaas is showing his full strength as a film composer.
The music is composed throughout, and varies between big, dramatic scenes, and scenes of a more intimate nature.
The composer is taking advantage of the timbral possibilities of the orchestra, and, at the same time, is creating a unified musical expression.
The Swedish jury has chosen Johan Söderqvist and his music in “In a better World” to be our nominee. The music is a masterpiece, a voyage of emotions accentuating the script and lets you travel with the story. It’s a film to be listened to. We have chosen Johan and his music for his ability to reach across borders and touch not just Swedes and people from our Nordic countries but also the jury of the Oscars Academy.
The Swedish jury: Jean-Paul Wall, Film Composer (Stim, NFCN, Skap) – Mikael Carlsson, Moviescore Media – Paula af Malmborg Ward, Film Composer (FFACE, FST) – Sofia Lindgren, Film Editor (SFK) – Lars Nylin musikjournalist (Musikindustrin).
The Finnish jury nominates Juri Seppä and Miska Seppä’s music for “Rare Exports” for The Nordic Film Music Award 2011. Juri and Miska Seppä’s intensive music for Jalmari Helander´s fabulous movie is a fearless score. The combination of the twisted humour of the film and the strenght of the score creates an unique atmosphere.This well written action music is just what this fantastical movie needs, as the movie reveals the truth of the real Santa Claus. Being intensive music for the intensive film, the music takes it´s place in this crazy movie very well. Seppä brothers have already won a Jussi Award for the best music in Finnish film. The combination of the twisted humour of the film and the strenght of the score creates an unique atmosphere. Intensive stuff for the intensive film.
The Finnish jury: Heikki Elo,Film Composer – Jussi Pellonpää, Film Journalist – Sanna Salmenkallio, Film Composer – Yari Knuutinen, Film Composer.