At musik og lyd har stor betydning når et budskab skal kommunikeres, er sikkert
klart for alle BFM medlemmer. Nu har komponisten og lyddesigneren John Groves
begået en bog om dette emne – “ComMUSICation
– From Pavlov’s Dog to Sound Branding”. Pressen skrev blandt andet.
“…captivating book… (…) A must-read for all marketing and brand managers.”
– Claus Fesel, Director of Corporate Communciations,
“…sets the benchmark in Sound Branding…(…)…has the potential of becoming the new standard
– Oliver Schulz, Director of Marketing Communications,
“…makes it easy (…) to immerse yourself into the psycholgy of music….”
– Helmut Zerlett, composer and musician (bandleader
“Harald Schmidt Show”)
“The book also makes it clear that we, the marketers, have to ask ourselves a potentially embarrassing
question: How it is possible to have overlooked such a vital part of our
responsibilities for such a long time?”
– Heino Hilbig, CEO, Mayflower concepts
– Former Head of Corporate Marketing, Olympus Europa Holding
“In todays tight budgets, music is often just an after thought. John proves in his book that it
makes good sense to put it a bit higher up on the list.”
Konstantin Jacoby, founder Springer & Jacoby Advertising Agency
Så hvis du skal have flere argumenter for hvorfor producenter af enhver slags
absolut skal hyre dig, den professionelle, kompetente og alvidende film- og
mediekomponist, er der guldkorn at hente i bogen.
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